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White Paper Marketing Book

White Paper Marketing Book
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White Paper Response Channels
White paper response channels are communication links and processes that can be used to capture, receive, or identify information related to the requesting, downloading, and use of white papers.

Download Contact Information - Collecting the registration information when people download the white paper.

Requests for Information - White papers should contain contact information to allow the reader to request additional information (such as a sales contact number).

Referenced Web Pages - Links can be included in white papers that provide additional details. These links can be tracked to identify how people are reading and what types of interests they have.

This figure shows how information can be gathered about the requests and interaction with white papers. Contact information can be gathered by using a download registration page (gated access). Information requests can be gathered by using unique phone numbers and email addresses as contact information in each white paper. Link tracking can be used for reference links provided in the white paper to see which topics are important to readers.

White Paper Marketing Book
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White Paper Marketing Book
White Paper Marketing, More Sales Leads, Less Effort explains how to use white papers to generate lists of highly qualified sales prospects while providing valuable and well received content to readers. Readers will learn how to develop, promote, and track the effectiveness of white paper marketing.

$34.99 Printed, $29.99 eBook