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White Paper Marketing Book

White Paper Marketing Book
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White Paper Tutorials
Tutorials are instruction sessions that allow participants to listen and possibly interact with the session. Online tutorials allow people to participate in information or training sessions from remote locations where they have Internet access. A white paper should be able to be converted into 15 to 25 slides, which can be used as visual aids for the tutorial.

Tutorial Slides - Tutorial slides are displays of information relative to a specific issue or topic. Each slide in a tutorial can be a separate web page which is linked to the following and previous slides. By creating a separate web page for each tutorial slide, the slide content is highly focused and may be more easily discovered and prioritized by search engines. In essence, each slide becomes a marketing portal for the white paper.

Slide Notes - Each tutorial slide may contain text that explains and provides more descriptive details about the slide. The slide notes may be summarized or condensed versions of the text contained in the white paper. The slide notes are in text form, which means that search engines may be able to more easily index and categorize the slides.

Promotional Media Items - Each slide in the tutorial may contain promotional media which serves as a link for the white paper. Each slide may also contain branding and sponsor information, including company logos and contact information.

This figure shows how a white paper can be converted into a tutorial to create a series of promotional web pages. A white paper may be converted into 15 to 30 slides. Each slide is a separate web page that is linked to the following and previous slides in the series. Each key heading of the white paper can be converted into a slide, and images contained in the white paper can also be inserted. Each slide may contain a promotional icon (the cover of the white paper) along with a link to the white paper. The text of each key section of the white paper may be summarized into the notes portion below the slide image.

White Paper Marketing Book
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White Paper Marketing Book
White Paper Marketing, More Sales Leads, Less Effort explains how to use white papers to generate lists of highly qualified sales prospects while providing valuable and well received content to readers. Readers will learn how to develop, promote, and track the effectiveness of white paper marketing.

$34.99 Printed, $29.99 eBook