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White Paper Marketing Book

White Paper Marketing Book
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White Paper Sponsorship
White paper sponsorship is the provision of resources (money, service support or other valuable items) in return for the creation or hosting of informational papers. White paper sponsorship can be used to get white papers listed (indexed), branded (labeled or repackaged), or produced (development).

Sponsored Hosting - is the provision of online services (such as storage space on a web server) and resources (such as editing and layout design) in return for the receipt of promotional value. Sponsored hosting allows a company to publish white papers on other web sites in return for resources (such as bartered services) or compensation (cash).

Brand Sponsoring - Brand sponsoring is the provision of resources (such as cash or support services) in return for the inclusion of branding media on the item or service that is being sponsored. Brand sponsoring simply adds brand media (such as names and logos) to existing content.

Sponsored Production - Sponsored production is the provision of resources (such as cash, research services and production staff) to produce media or content. The content is produced as a result of the sponsorship arrangement allowing for topic selection and/or customization of the white paper content.

White Paper Marketing Book
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White Paper Marketing Book
White Paper Marketing, More Sales Leads, Less Effort explains how to use white papers to generate lists of highly qualified sales prospects while providing valuable and well received content to readers. Readers will learn how to develop, promote, and track the effectiveness of white paper marketing.

$34.99 Printed, $29.99 eBook