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White Paper Marketing Book

White Paper Marketing Book
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White Paper Microblog Posts
Microblogging is the contribution of small amounts of information (text messages) related to a specific subject via a shared communication medium such as a text, audio or video log on the Internet. These messages are sent to people who follow the senders on social media networks (such as Twitter).

Microblogging can provide value beyond publicity (the number of people who see the messages). Search engines and information seekers value content that is current, and tweets that contain links may be given high search engine value.

It is recommended to regularly post messages (daily or every few days) when promoting a product or service. While this may seem to be time consuming, can be efficient to create lists of multiple messages before the white paper is released.

Microblog message content can range from review requests to tips and interesting factoids. Messages may be created by extracting information from the white paper. In general, a 12 page white paper should be able to provide 30 to 60 microblog messages (Tweets).

Hashtags - Hashtags are keywords that are preceded by the # symbol. Searchers use hashtags to find messages that relate to a specific category (such as #SMM for social media marketing). When creating microblog messages, keyword hashtags that relate to the topic of the white paper should be included.

Shortening URL Links - Blog posts tend to reference web addresses that can be very long. To shorten the long web address (domain name plus the file name), a link shorting service can be used. A link shortening service is a web site (usually with a short domain name) that converts a long URL into a new link that contains a shortened file name. Examples of link shortening services include and www.bit.ty.

Some link shortening services allow for the selection of a shortened file name. When possible, it is recommended that the shortening name should include one or two keywords separated by a hyphen (dash).

Review Requests - Review requests invite people to read and evaluate the white paper before it is released. A link is provided to a web page that allows the person to download the draft or register to receive an advance copy. This provides advance knowledge of the upcoming white paper.

Availability Announcement - An availability announcement is a message stating that a white paper is available, which also provides a link to the web page where the white paper can be found. Availability announcements can be sent more than once and the keywords used to describe the white paper can be changed.

Problem/Solution Tweets - A microblog message may identify a problem and suggest a solution in a white paper along with a link to the white paper.

White Paper Marketing Book
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White Paper Marketing Book
White Paper Marketing, More Sales Leads, Less Effort explains how to use white papers to generate lists of highly qualified sales prospects while providing valuable and well received content to readers. Readers will learn how to develop, promote, and track the effectiveness of white paper marketing.

$34.99 Printed, $29.99 eBook