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White Paper Marketing Book

White Paper Marketing Book
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White Paper Marketing Metrics
White paper marketing metrics are the measurements of characteristics for the presentation of and interaction with information documents. Examples of white paper marketing metrics include the number of brand impressions, social media references, downloads, white paper interactions, inbound requests and conversion actions.

Impressions - are the number of times a brand or name is seen by a viewer.

Social Media Mentions - can be used to track the amount and type of publicity (negative or positive) that a white paper may receive.

Downloads – are the number of downloads over a period of time and the ratio of downloads to the number of summary page views (download ratio).

White Paper Interactions - are viewers’ responses to the presentation of white papers.

Information Requests - are contacts made by readers who wish to learn more about the product or services discussed in the white paper.

Conversions - are the desired actions that are performed by readers as a result of the white paper, and may include subscriptions, purchases or requests for sample products.

White Paper Marketing Book
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White Paper Marketing Book
White Paper Marketing, More Sales Leads, Less Effort explains how to use white papers to generate lists of highly qualified sales prospects while providing valuable and well received content to readers. Readers will learn how to develop, promote, and track the effectiveness of white paper marketing.

$34.99 Printed, $29.99 eBook