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White Paper Marketing Book

White Paper Marketing Book
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White Paper Inquiries
Information requests (inquiries) are contacts from people or companies that indicate a desire to receive additional data or materials. Information requests can come in different forms such as form submission, email messages or phone calls.

Number of Inquiries - The number of inquiries can indicate the interest in the topic covered by the white paper as well as the engagement level.

Types of Information Requests - The types of information requests that can come from white paper downloads include form submissions, email requests, phone calls or other forms of communication.

Inquiry Rate - An inquiry rate is the percentage of information requests that are generated from the distribution of media (such as a white paper).

Download to Inquiry Ratio - The download to inquiry ratio indicates how well all the key white paper content factors work together; interest building, response channels and contact tracking. Each of these areas may be changed to determine how they affect the inquiry ratio. For example, the addition of contact type response channels (such as technical questions in addition to sales inquiries) may result in a higher or lower inquiry to download ratio.

This figure shows some sample measurements for white paper inquiry activity. This white paper has been downloaded 182 times over a one month period. The telephone system has tracked 5 phone contacts (unique phone extension). The email server has tracked 7 email contacts (unique email address). There were 6 form submissions received. The total number of inquiries was 18 (the monthly inquiry rate) and, when compared to the 182 downloads, the resulting download to inquiry ratio is 10% (a relatively high engagement level).

White Paper Marketing Book
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White Paper Marketing Book
White Paper Marketing, More Sales Leads, Less Effort explains how to use white papers to generate lists of highly qualified sales prospects while providing valuable and well received content to readers. Readers will learn how to develop, promote, and track the effectiveness of white paper marketing.

$34.99 Printed, $29.99 eBook