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White Paper Marketing Book

White Paper Marketing Book
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White Paper Downloads
Download measurements identify how many documents are requested or downloaded. The measurement may include the number of listing page views and the number of downloads, as well as the listing page view to download ratio.

Listing Page Views - The number of people who find and view the white paper listing page can be influence by both advertising (such as by search ads) and search engine optimization (SEO). Numerous listing page views can indicate a listing page that is well advertised or search engine friendly.

Number of Downloads - The number of downloads is the quantity of registration forms submitted over a period of time. The number of downloads can be strongly influenced by highly targeting the types of visitors (audience profile) with the listing page description (pain points and solution promise), and also by the quantity of information that is required by the download registration page (more required information tends to reduce the number of registration submissions).

Listing Page View to Download Ratio - The listing page view to download ratio indicates how well all the key factors work together; audience profile, listing page value and download registration form requirements. Each of these areas may be changed to determine how they affect the download ratio. For example, changing ads or keyword selections for ads may attract a different audience which can result in a higher or lower page view to download ratio.

This figure shows some of the measurements for white paper download activity. This diagram shows that an audience profile is used to promote and attract visitors that have certain profiles and search intent (information motivation). First, the visitors will view a listing page (white paper description) where they will see instructions for downloading the white paper. If the listing page has a good mix of pain points and solution promises for their profile, they will select the download registration page. The number of people who are interested enough to complete the registration process (enter the required data) will be able to download the white paper (number of downloads). Comparing the number of downloads to the number of listing page views (page to download ratio) indicates how well each of the factors match (audience profile, listing page value and registration form information requests).

White Paper Marketing Book
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White Paper Marketing Book
White Paper Marketing, More Sales Leads, Less Effort explains how to use white papers to generate lists of highly qualified sales prospects while providing valuable and well received content to readers. Readers will learn how to develop, promote, and track the effectiveness of white paper marketing.

$34.99 Printed, $29.99 eBook