Keyword Selection Tools
Keyword selection is the
process of identifying works that will be used as part of pay
per click programs. Keyword selection may identify words and
combinations of words that have specific search value.
They have a diverse sample of 2,000,000+ U.S. internet users
that have given them permission to analyze the web pages they
visit and ask them questions via surveys.
PrairieWeb Internet Marketing
provides online marketing, custom Web development, in-house
programming, searchable database-driven Web Site creation,
content management systems, eCommerce Web Sites, email
broadcast services and hosting services for their clients. is an
Internet resource that offers a searchable database of over 32
billion search queries, archived over a 12 month period.
NetMechanic is for small to medium-sized business webmasters
that needed easy, affordable, self-service, web tools to help
run high-quality business websites.